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Post #44: Finally Papa

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

So I’ve been wondering whether we’ve all outgrown the FinallyNana blog, which I had created to share how much I longed to become a grandmother, my excitement upon finally becoming one, and my many and varied Nana experiences since the time of Cooper’s birth seven years ago. But as Cooper is growing up, I wondered whether the blog is still relevant to our family and to my readers.

In trying to decide about this by initially reviewing our visits with Cooper in 2023, I noticed all the activites that Papa Jesse was directly involved with our grandson. As Cooper has grown from babyhood and toddlerhood into a boisterous child, his interests now coincide with his grandfather’s very active boyhood behavior. So I decided to focus this post on how Papa Jesse has been doing as a grandfather.

While reviewing the 2023 photos from Fiji, California and Telluride, I was also reminded of Nana’s involvement through organization and experiences, thus realizing that I may still have a lot to share as Finally Nana. But first, I’ll describe how Cooper is now at the perfect age to be entertained by Finally Papa.

Of course, Jesse was just as excited to be a grandfather as I was to be a grandmother.

While frontline caring for infants and toddlers was not his forte, Papa Jesse was definitely a helpful sidekick to Nana as we babysat for Cooper in his early years.

Jesse participated in our first grandparent outing with newborn Cooper, where he was born in Brisbane, Australia, when we ended up at the local liquor store. Grandparents behaving badly?

Strolling in Brisbane, Australia, Aug 2016
Strolling in Brisbane, Australia, August, 2016

When we visited our Fiji family for the year-end holidays when infant Cooper was 4 months old and stayed at the Outrigger Hotel along the Coral Coast, Nana and Papa had an early foray into short-term baby sitting to give his parents some alone time.

Outrigger Hotel, Coral Coast, Fiji, Dec 2016
Outrigger Hotel, Coral Coast, Fiji, Dec 2016

Two months later, Nana and Papa had their first intensive babysitting duty in Santa Barbara, California, where Dr. Stacy brought six-month old Cooper during her multi-day, environmental biology meeting. Nana appreciated having Papa’s extra pair of hands as she re-learned infant care, whether mundane activities in the VRBO apartment or during excursions in the area, including the nearby marina, the Santa Monica Zoo, lunch at a Mexican restaurant.

In the Santa Barbara VRBO, Feb 2017
In the Santa Barbara VRBO, Feb 2017

Strolling near the Santa Barbara marina
Strolling near the Santa Barbara marina

At the Santa Barbara zoo
At the Santa Barbara zoo

Lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Santa Barbara
Lunch at a Mexican restaurant in Santa Barbara

We grandparents had more practice in Cooper care at about the 10-month marker, when we returned to Fiji in conjunction with Jesse’s participation in a hand surgery course at the Intercontinental Hotel, Natadola Bay.

PPlaying with 10-month old Cooper in his Fiji bedroom
Playing with 10-month old Cooper in his Fiji bedroom

Walking Cooper along the seawall
Taking Cooper for a walk along the seawall near their Fiji home, June 2017

Pool play with Papa at the Fiji Intercontinental hotel
Pool play with Papa at the Fiji Intercontinental hotel

Stacy convinced us to return to Fiji only two months later for a 2-4-1: their intimate beachside wedding followed by Cooper’s big first birthday celebration just two days later.

At Stacy & Jason’s wedding at The Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour, Fiji
At Stacy & Jason’s wedding at The Pearl Resort in Pacific Harbour, Fiji, August, 2017

Papa playing with Cooper in the bouncy house at his 1st birthday party
Papa playing with Cooper in the bouncy house at his 1st birthday party

To further show Papa Jesse’s involvement as a caring grandfather, here are a lot more photos, sometimes in tandem with Nana Beryl. So this blog is essentially becoming a photo essay of Finally Papa.

Playing at our niece Abby’s house in Armonk, NY April 2018
Playing at our niece Abby’s house in Armonk, NY April 2018 (20 months)

On a chair swing in Durango, Colorado, June 2018
On a chair swing in Durango, Colorado, June 2018 (22 months)

Playful bumping heads in a Telluride restaurant
Playful bumping heads in a Telluride restaurant, July, 2018 (almost 2 years)

Boat ride to see the surfers at famous Cloudbreak, Tavarua, Fiji, Sept 2018
Boat ride to see the surfers at famous Cloudbreak, Tavarua, Fiji, Sept 2018 (2 years ld)

Of course, as soon as Cooper was capable, Papa got involved with Cooper play and sports.

Playing ball with Cooper in Hawaii, April 2018
Playing ball with Cooper, 20 months, in Hawaii, April 2018

When Cooper was only two years old and visited us at our Weston, Mass home, longtime soccer player Papa was delighted to be kicking the ball around with his happy grandson.

Soccer play, Weston, Mass., Nov, 2018 (2 years old
Soccer play, Weston, Mass., Nov, 2018 (2 years old

Papa was involved with lots of other Cooper activities when his mom left him with us in November, 2018, for several days to attend a marine meeting in Belize.

Playing outside our Weston house with our dog Oliver, Nov. 2018
Playing outside our Weston house with our dog Oliver, Nov. 2018, both boy & dog 2 years old

Papa, Cooper & Oliver walking on our Nonesuch Road
Papa, Cooper & Oliver walking on our Nonesuch Road

Papa entertaining Cooper while Nana was cooking dinner
Papa entertaining Cooper while Nana was cooking dinner

How lucky to get snow during  Cooper’s November visit
And then it snowed, in November! Weston, Mass, 2018

So much fun to play in the snow, Nov 2018
So much fun to play in the snow, Nov 2018

Papa showing Cooper how to build a warming fire
Papa showing Cooper how to stoke the fire

Visiting Papa at the surgicenter, Nov. 2018
Visiting Papa at the surgicenter, Nov. 2018

As Cooper continued to grow up, he and Papa have shared lots of playtime, inclueing many more ball sports and fun activities in many different locales.

Ball toss in Telluride, Colorado, July 2019
Ball toss in Telluride, Colorado, July, 2019

Making and throwing summer snowballs in Telluride, Colorado, July, 2019
Making and throwing summer snowballs in Telluride, July, 2019

Another dog walk in Weston one year later, both Cooper and Oliver are 3 years old
Another dog walk in Weston when both Cooper and Oliver were 3 years old, Nov 2019

We were fortunate to visit our family in Fiji at the beginning of March, 2020, immediately before all international travel was discontinued due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Swimming at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva, Fiji, March, 2020
Swimming at the Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva, Fiji, March, 2020

Swimming like a shark! Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva, Fiji, Match, 2020
Cooper or shark? Grand Pacific Hotel, Suva, Fiji, 2020

As you have likely noticed, we were very fortunate to have so many visits with our grandson since his August, 2016, birth, despite our family’s distant Fiji life. To that we give much credit to our daughter Stacy for providing many opportunities for our get-togethers worldwide. However, Covid sadly put a shrieking halt to that before Cooper was four years old. In fact, we missed being together with Cooper completely while he was a four year-old.

For 21 months, we only connected with Cooper by Facetime, not to take lightly that amazing technological advancement in communication. Sadly, however, Nana and Papa were those little old people on a telephone screen who tended to interrupt Cooper’s more entertaining screen time or real life play time. We were not making any new memories to reflect on with our grandson. But there was a friendly competition developing, as Cooper informed his grandfather, ”I can run faster than you now, Papa! I can beat you.” Never one to shirk from a physical challenge, Jesse continued to raise the subject of The Race on our FaceTime visits, keeping the competitive spirit alive.

So you can imagine what Papa Jesse suggested to Cooper as soon as we were together in Fiji after our 21 months apart. Of course, a race! Even Papa Jesse was not so competitive to intentionally beat a four year-old. (Sorry, Nana missed filming the event.) But we were ecstatic to spend time with Cooper at 4 years, 4 months old, starting with our obligatory 2-day, Fiji country entry quarantine, staying at the Marriott Resort, Momi Bay, We renewed our love and made new common memories. Here are some more photos, especially Papa and Cooper together:

Marriott Resort Momi Bay, Fiji, Dec 2023
Marriott Resort Momi Bay, Fiji, Dec 2021

Playing in their home pool, Pacific Harbour, Fiji, Dec 2023
Playing in their home pool, Pacific Harbour, Fiji, Dec 2021

Papa & Cooper in pool with surfboard
Look how capable Cooper was becoming on his surfboard

Playing at the Pearl Resort pool, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2023
Playing at the Pearl Resort pool, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2021

Playing at Pacific Harbour beach, Dec 2023
Playing and skipping rocks at Pacific Harbour beach, Dec 2021

Fishing at their home dock, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2023
Fishing at their home dock, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2021

All deessed up for family holiday dinner at Nanuku Resort, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2023
All dressed up for family holiday dinner at Nanuku Resort, Pacific Harbour, Dec 2021

Showing Cooper some interesting stuff on Papa’s laptop at their Fiji home, Dec 2021
Showing Cooper some interesting stuff on Papa’s laptop in their Fiji home, Dec 2021

As you might recall from reading a prior Finally Nana blog post, this first “post” covid reunion with our Fiji family was inadvertently extended another week when the whole family came down with covid! That did give Papa Jesse more play time with Cooper, trying out baseball when covid-recovered Stacy bought a wiffle ball and bat.

Papa teaching baseball to Cooper in their Fiji backyard, Jan 2022
Papa teaching baseball to Cooper in their Fiji backyard, Jan 2022

You can see that the extended 2021-22 Fiji trip was quite memorable for all of us, and especially for Papa’s engaging in more activities with growing-up Cooper. So we weren’t feeling too bad about having to wait 5 months for the next visit, which would be to Nana and Papa’s new Florida house in June, 2022, including a sidetrip to the Orlando amusement mecca at almost 6-year old Cooper’s request.

Pool play at Nana & Papa’s Florida home, June 2022
Pool play at Nana & Papa’s Florida house, June 2022

Papa taking Cooper on a golf cart ride in Florida, Jne 22
Papa taking Cooper on a golf cart ride in Florida, June 2022

Entrance to Universal’s Islands of Adventure, June 2022
Entrance to Universal’s Islands of Adventure, June 2022

 Shooting dino water guns at Jurassic World, June 2022
Shooting dino water guns at Jurassic World, June 2022

Next fabulous get together was in France and Spain in November, 2022, when Cooper was 6 years old.

Papa accompanied Cooper on the carousel in Montpellier, France, Nov  2022
Papa accompanied Cooper on the carousel in Montpellier, France, Nov 2022

Papa & Cooper activating a Montpellier planetarium exhibit, Nov, 2022
Papa & Cooper activating a Montpellier planetarium exhibit, Nov 2022

Now Cooper & Papa are on the moon!
Technology miracle: Cooper & Papa are virtually on the moon!

Feeding the swarming pigeons in Barcelona, Nov 2022
Cooper, Papa & dad Jason feeding the swarming pigeons in Barcelona, Nov 2022

Nana and Papa returned to Fiji in March, 2023. At 6 & 1/2 years old, Cooper was becoming even more athletically capable which edged playtime up a notch with Papa.

More fishing from their Fiji home dock, March 2023
More fishing from their Fiji home dock, March, 2023

During the Fiji visit, Nana booked accommodations for 3 nights at nearby Nanuku where Jason was their executive chef at that time, and Cooper stayed with his grandparents at the resort.

Look who’s cooking breakfast
Look who’s cooking breakfast, Nanuku, March 2023

Each morning Papa and Cooper took a bike ride together on the Nanuku property. How fun was that!

Post bike ride, on oir private Nanuku room patio
Post bike ride, on the patio of our luxurious Nanuku accommodation.

Cooper also enjoyed participating in the nightly sunset torch lighting ceremony at Nanuku.

Sunset family dinner at Nanuku with our little Fijian warrior
Sunset family dinner at Nanuku with our little Fijian warrior, March 2023

And of course there were lots of fun meal times together, with Cooper’s favorite choices of chips (fries) and pizza.

Lunch at Damodar shopping center, Suva, Fiji, March, 2023
Lunch at Damodar shopping center, Suva, Fiji, March 2023

Three months later, Nana and Papa met Stacy and Cooper near Monterey, CA, where Stacy had a meeting of her organization’s marine division of Wildlife Conservation Society. Stacy had requested us for Cooper care while she attended this meeting at the Asilomar Conference Center along the scenic Pacific Coast in Pacific Grove, where we all stayed. A great place to kid sit with so much to do in the area.

Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, June 2023
Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, June 2023

Of course, one of our first activities was our visit to the outstanding Monterey Bay Aquarium.

It really took two grandparents to keep track of fleet-footed Cooper as he sprinted between the exhibits.

Monterey Bay Aquarium, June 2023
Monterey Bay Aquarium, June, 2023

Where Papa Jesse was concerned, soccer is always an activity choice, so we had brought a soccer ball from home. We took Cooper, who had started playing soccer in Fiji, to a local soccer field, but unfortunately it was already in use: by a herd of deer! And they were holding their ground, with no intention of relinquishing the field to us.

Deer in Pacific Grove, CA, June 2023
Deer in Pacific Grove, CA, June 2023

Another day we spent at the Monterey pier and took a boat ride in Monterey harbor with views of sea otters and sea lions.

Viewing seals from tour boat in Monterey Bay, June 2023
Viewing seals from tour boat in Monterey Bay, June 2023

We had our latest Cooper visit when he came with his parents to join us in Telluride, Colorado, in September. Lots more fun for Papa and Cooper. They played pool, went fishing, fed the ducks, played soccer (on a deer-free field) and baseball. And we all went to a rodeo, yahoo!

Feeding ducks, Telluride June 2023
Feeding the ducks, Telluride June 2023

Fishing on Hastings Mesa, June 2023
Fishing on Hastings Mesa, June 2023

High altitude soccer, Telluride, 2023
High altitude soccer, Telluride, June 2023

Baseball in Mountain Village, June 2023
Baseball in Mountain Village, June 2023

Rodeo in Ridgway, CO June 2023
Rodeo in Ridgway, Colorado June 2023

So this has been quite a photo memory essay of Jesse since he became Finally Papa. Our next Cooper time will be a Fiji visit for the year-end holidays. Cooper will be almost 7 and 1/2 years old, and I’m betting that he’ll be able to outrun 77 year-old Papa, fair and square.



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